Creating Entities

The TinyShop administration dashboard is built to reduce complexity and increase your productivity. This is done by removing complex administration dashboards that you would be used to seeing from older legacy webshop applications.

This means you perform most of your administration tasks by directly editing on the page you want to edit or performing drag & drop operations to create / edit entities throughout the system.


This following steps require you to be logged into your webshop with your admin account.



1: Navigate to the category you would like to add the product into.

2: From the sidebar open up the Create submenu.

3: Drag the Product item from the sidebar into the current category.


1: Navigate to the product you wish to edit.

2: Edit any of the attributes directly on the page.

Enable / Disable

Disabling a product will only make it accessible through the administration panel. Your customers will receive a 404 page.

1: Navigate to the product you wish to disable.

2: Toggle the product status button.


1: Navigate to the product you wish to edit.

2: Click on the Trash icon and confirm you wish to delete this product.

(Coming Soon) Categories

(Coming Soon) Brands

Continue: Image Editor

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TinyShop is a new online store builder with easy to use drag and drop interface. It's perfect for selling your products in minutes, no design or coding required.
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Made in Germany